Familiarisation Program for Independent Directors

Familiarisation Program

This Familiarisation Program (the Program) for Independent Directors of TFL (the Company) has been adopted by the Board of Directors pursuant to the Listing Agreements.


The Program aims to enable the Directors to have insights into the Company, understand their roles, rights, responsibilities, Company's operations and business to enable the Directors contribute significantly to the Company.

Familiarisation Program

  • Executive Directors / Senior Management Personnel may conduct programs / make presentations periodically to familiarize the Directors with the strategy, operations and functions of the Company.
  • The Board Notes circulated to the Directors and the Presentation (covering various inputs relating to business and technical matters) being made at the Board Meeting / Committee Meeting would enable Directors to familiarise with the activities and business of the Company.
  • Organise visits of Directors to Factory and other facilities to have full understanding and appreciation of activities of the Company. The Plant Head would be making presentation during their visits.
  • Circulate news and articles related to the industry on a regular basis and the Corporate Communications Department shall forward mails to Directors to keep them abreast of recent development / trade in the Industry.
  • Conduct an introductory familiarisation program / presentation, when a new Director is inducted to the Board of the Company.


The Program shall be uploaded on the Company's website and a web link thereto shall also be provided in the Annual Report of the Company.


The Program will be reviewed and changes made as and when deemed necessary.